Thursday, 31 May 2012

Iron Sky

So the Nazis went to live on the moon after the war, and now they are coming to attack Earth.
Two Space Nazi thumbs up for being EXACTLY what it sounds like - including a black man who got turned white.

Monday, 28 May 2012

The Dictator

One thumbs down.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Failure to Launch

Working out the Bradley Cooper movie timeline.
One thumbs down - Sarah Jessica Parker or Matthew McConaughy are crap.

The Avengers

Three - the number of times I dozed off (morning blockbuster?!) and the number of times Yvonne cried.
Half a thumbs up, but also half a thumbs down for the ridiculousness that is Thor's hammer.

Friday, 11 May 2012

The Thin Red Line

Shallot Pancakes 2.0
Half a thumbs down? - eh, I wasn't really watching - but it reminds me that history is a huge gaping hole in my general knowledge.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

The Royal Tenenbaums

When I first watched this I thought the brother-adopted sister thing was disgusting - but this time I thought there was a sickly sweetness to it all... have I become gross?
One and three quarters thumbs up plus more for the fantastic outfits worn by everyone (notable shoutouts to Gwenyth's fur coat, and Owen Wilson's leather fringed cowboy jacket)

Friday, 4 May 2012

About a Boy

I once bet my dad $100 that 'Killing Me Softly' was originally sung by a woman - he never paid me.
One and a half thumbs up, maybe plus another half thumbs up too.