Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Finding Dory

I almost got hit on the head by a bottle of Sprite! Shouldn't you kids be in school??
Three quarters thumbs up - I felt it was a fairly forced storyline, but hold-onto-your-cheeks cuteness overload with the otter cuddle party!

Tuesday, 21 June 2016


Watched in two sessions: first in the bath (with bubbles!) and second whilst eating our improved stuffed calamari. 
Two thumbs up, and yes I did watch this because of quoting "she wants my dick in and around her mouth."

Sunday, 19 June 2016

The Hangover

"What do tigers dream of? When they take a little tiger snooze?"
One and three quarters thumbs up, and I thought of Josh's fluffy tiger head.

Saturday, 18 June 2016


Josh could not have been more delighted when Seth Rogan ripped into the cheating girlfriend.
One thumbs up, and skepticism whether chemotherapy can cause radiation in semen.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Rich Kids of Instagram

I am ashamed to say I was more fascinated by the fact that the Kazakhstani people looked more Asian than like Borat.
It was disgustingly fascinating - one thumbs up, and still chuckling at the guy who makes his girlfriend shower him with money for an Instagram photo (though partially tongue in cheek).

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Money Monster

But really, Kyle was kind of an idiot to put all his money into one stock.
One and a quarter thumbs up - it was really good; I was nervous the whole time.

Finding Nemo

Josh was so hungry for McDonalds delivery that he couldn't even have cuddle time. 
Two thumbs up, and a lopsided Quarter Pounder. 

Thursday, 9 June 2016

10 Things I Hate About You

I don't know what I would do if I were a teacher and a student cried her way through an angsty love poem - roll my eyes maybe.
Three quarters thumbs up, and remember when Alex Mak's prom dress was the height of cool?

Tuesday, 7 June 2016


Josh is Shrek because he hates everything; I am Donkey because I annoy him with my singing and flail my limbs when laughing sometimes.
One and a quarter thumbs up, and Donkey's brown eyes remind me of Schnitzel!

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Ant Man

And that's why you never go full sub-atomic.
One thumbs up - it was funny and not as ridiculous at the name suggests, and sexy surprise points to Paul Rudd for getting ripped.

X-Men: Apocalypse

Of course the trailer is all about Jennifer Lawrence, even though other characters feature much more than Mystique does. Ugh.
Three quarters thumbs up - glad we didn't pay for it, but thumbs down for an overly hot cinema (even the man next to me was constantly fanning himself).

Friday, 3 June 2016

About A Boy

Hugh Grant has blue eyes. I also wonder if he has children in real life.
One and a half thumbs up, and many laughs at Hugh Grant's zingers, including 'granola suicide lady'