Monday, 31 December 2018

Dead Poets Society

I loved Neil then, and I still love him now.
One and three quarters thumbs up - they got the casting right, I could not imagine River Phoenix as Neil, or Liam Neeson as Mr. Keating (though that one is not too far fetched).

Saturday, 29 December 2018

Avengers 2: The Age of Ultron

I fell asleep in the third act
Me: "So how did they kill Ultron?"
Josh: "Don't worry, they just did. They all did"
Zero thumbs up - I thought I have seen this before, but no, it was probably just Josh telling me the story to prepare for the next one.


Okay why am I crying when she is running away in disguise?
One thumbs up - Mulan, you go girl!

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

The Holiday

Running in heels in the snow is just stupid, though I do like that she stopped to catch her breath.
Half a thumbs up - it's alright I guess.

Monday, 24 December 2018

Love Actually

When I was younger I would have been flattered by a video of just me; but now that is just freaky.
One and a half thumbs up - it seems like everyone is maturing into high-brow Love Actually hating people, and I will be left behind still liking it.

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Green Book

I exalted a lone laugh out loud when he was writing 'As I am writing this letter, I am eating potato chips'
One and a half thumbs up - it was much better than the trailer made it out to be, and personal thumbs up to Nicole for directing us to these free tickets!

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

The Princess Switch

Of all the ridiculous things in this movie (not one but two made up European countries, no kissing before marriage, a royal in a mini-skirt in public) nothing beats the suspension of reality to make me believe his favourite Christmas movie is Netflix's A Christmas Prince
One thumbs down - it is so bad but you will keep watching till the end to confirm it will go exactly the way you think it will. 

Monday, 10 December 2018

The Disaster Artist

I am pretty sure James Franco is wearing a prosthetic nose.
One and a half thumbs up.

Saturday, 8 December 2018


My favourite Dolly song is probably Islands in the Stream (out of the three I know).
One thumbs up - aww that was really sweet, and this superior in every way to "Sierra Burgess..." about bigger girls, friendship and romance.

Thursday, 6 December 2018


Jenny took the most adorable picture of Baby Jack and Ted... and I totally forgot she had Ted in the first place because Marky Mark's name was John Bennett!
One thumbs up, and it is Snitzel's birthday tomorrow! He will be 10!