Tuesday, 22 October 2019


The biggest crime was Constance Wu's fringe and Cardi B's voice.
Half a thumbs up - but personal thumbs up to J. Lo who is SLAMMING and SO HOT RIGHT NOW. This was hotter than that car boot scene with George Clooney... and Maid in Manhattan (not hot, but this rivals MiM as her best performance).

Monday, 7 October 2019

The Bonfire of the Vanities

By about 15 minutes into the movie we had deducted that it was terrible, but mostly because of terrible acting and cinematography - it was like they were allergic to having the camera at eye-level, but were having a sale on unnecessarily extreme angles and dolly zooms. Then we read about how at the time it an epic box office fail and attracted a lot of negative reviews and criticisms. Deservedly so.
Two thumbs down - more like Trash-fire of Vanities. You think Kim Cattrell's accent was terrible then you get hit with the hot mess called Maria who had an insanely bad accent and was casually super racist. 

Sunday, 6 October 2019


This sums up why this blog will never feature horror films - because I am a baby and a chicken.
Two thumbs up - that was so much better than it reads on Wikipedia! But seriously, it was everything in a good way - drama, thriller, comedy (to my initial disbelief when Nicole said that), sad, and also social commentary.

Thursday, 3 October 2019


In contrast to Josh, I found the use of the pop/rock music jarring because it made certain scenes have a 'rockstar' or 'red carpet' feel, which just felt very inappropriate.
Zero thumbs up - I am conflicted because it was well done, but I felt it was sympathetic and glorifying of some really violent and grotesque stuff, as well as serious mental issues. Also, personal thumbs down to the family who brought their three or four year old daughter to this movie - that was also fucked up.

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

The Farewell

I liked the cemetery scene the best - even though it wasn't the funniest, I just loved seeing all those relatable moments and rituals. Also reminds me of how funnily morbid and badass it is to see our own grandma sitting on her future grave during these events.
One and a half thumbs up - it was better than I expected and I genuinely cry/laughed at the uncle's wedding speech.