Saturday, 31 July 2021

The Apartment

C.C. Baxter reminded me so much of Charles Boyle from Brooklyn 99.
Half a thumbs up

Friday, 23 July 2021


Double the Tom Hardy, and sent in 1960s London? Should be good!
One thumbs down - it was not good. Terrible narration, so boring. And the casting of the girl was all wrong; she is so tiny then some next to Hardy, that she just ends up looking like a runty child.
To think I almost considered paying to rent this. At least now I have only wasted two hours of my life, rather than two hours AND five dollars. 

Wednesday, 21 July 2021


Oh we are diving into the crazy pretty quickly! No wasted time; love it.
Two thumbs up - that was wild and tense in all the best ways. It reminded me of a Hitchcock, with an occasional Wes Anderson flat lay. Not at all a typical film for me, but it was just thrilling!

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Hannah and Her Sisters

She (Lee) looks so familiar... (looks up on IMdB)... hmm, nothing recognisable... why is Bette Midler's photo here too? OH YEAH!! BEACHES!!
One and a half thumbs up - I kind of actually liked it. Chuckled a lot at the internal dialogues, loved the 'chapter cards' (as I call it) and the music, especially 'Bewitched'. However the child molestation joke at the beginning does NOT go down well anymore *grimace whilst tugging collar away from neck* Eugh....

Saturday, 17 July 2021

You've Got Mail

I laughed so hard at 'A hotdog is singing. You need quiet while a hotdog is singing?". Frank is so underrated!
Two thumbs up - inadvertently chose another mail-themed movie. But this is the best and I will love it forever and ever.

The Lake House

The complimentary wine at the upscale restaurant was more unbelievable than the magical mail box. 
One thumbs down - that house looks like an insulation nightmare. 

Friday, 9 July 2021


The shoulder pads! How did you even stand close to another back then?
One thumbs down - was this supposed to be good because I don't get it?