Saturday, 25 August 2018

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

They didn't show dong on the plane.
One thumbs up - and the lady in front of me watched this and Molly's Game too. It was like she was me, but 5 minutes later!

The Disaster Artist

Rebecca watched it as well (on the plane), but she hasn't seen The Room yet. I wonder how much she enjoyed it, and would she have laughed at the times I laughed too?
One and a half thumbs up - I think two thumbs up last year was too hasty.

Molly's Game

Nicole gave me free tickets to this a while ago, and the poster looked so boring (and does not represent anything about the film) that I gave away those free tickets.
Zero thumbs up - it was interesting until the halfway mark, but in the end I really didn't care what her result would be.

Monday, 13 August 2018

The Florida Project

It's not sad. It is unfortunate these things have to happen to an "innocent" child, but what do you expect when you are an able-bodied ratbag mother who behaves terribly, refuses to stop swearing/abusing and harrassing/dressing inappropriately to get a proper job and who demonstrates and encourages bad behaviour in her child (a 6 year old twerking, spitting on cars and property, or annoying customers for money for ice cream is not normal childhood adventures).
One thumbs up - it is actually a well-done film, but it makes me angry and angry at myself because it induces thoughts akin to those of a stereotypical conservative old white male. But I guess a film that challenges you or stirs up emotion is good in that it is affecting.

All the Money in the World

I doubt Kevin Spacey could have done as great of a job as Christopher Plummer.
Three quarters thumbs up - and Michelle Williams redeemed herself in my eyes after that insipid performance in Greatest Showman.

The Greatest Showman

"Have a shave, you're not a freak anymore" - Karl Pilkington
As if the bearded lady would have hair-free armpits.
One thumbs down - though this was so lame and entirely glosses over the exploitative and racist things he did; it was the exact type of crap movie I like to watch on the plane, because I would never pay for it or make the effort to download it.


Could not sleep - I think I am too excited and nervous and scared.
One and a quarter thumbs up.

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief

I finally get to OT 3 and they give me the secret materials, which I've been hearing about all this time. They're hand written by Hubbard....... They talk about, you know, the fact that the earth was created, that such and such of trillions of years ago and this guy, who's this space guy... and put them in volcanoes and then blow them up with A-bombs... And we have these lost souls all over us and we have to get rid of them. And I'm going what the fuck are you talking about? I mean, I'm down for the self-help stuff. I'm down for, ok, I can be clear, I can, you know, I can get rid of those, the negative emotions, but what the fuck is this?
- Paul Haggis
One and a half thumbs up - it was really revealing with the Ron L. Hubbard's abuse and bullshit, and it almost feels like they have entered a more sinister era with Miscaviage. 

Saturday, 4 August 2018


The main cast already look like they are in their late 20s to 30s, and these guys are like 40 year old somethings getting involved in high school drama.
One thumbs up - it's obviously a fun movie, but it is pretty problematic watching it again as an adult (as opposed to high school bus trips). 

Friday, 3 August 2018


Don't get involved with drugs or drug dealing - it is scary and stressful.
Three-quarters thumbs up - Johnny Depp was actually good for the part (despite my well-known dislike for him), and I am so good I could name Emma Roberts/Jaime King for the role of Kristina Sunshine.


There are too many events (bachelorette party, bridal shower, actual wedding) where you have to pay for attendance, give them a gift, and pay for your own dress?! Americans are greedy.
A fingernail shy of two thumbs up, and seriously I don't understand what is going on with Maya Rudolph's voice here; you have a lovely normal voice in interviews and other stuff, why why the wispy voice that is also hard on "Milwaukee"