Saturday, 11 August 2018
Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief
I finally get to OT 3 and they give me the secret materials, which I've been hearing about all this time. They're hand written by Hubbard....... They talk about, you know, the fact that the earth was created, that such and such of trillions of years ago and this guy, who's this space guy... and put them in volcanoes and then blow them up with A-bombs... And we have these lost souls all over us and we have to get rid of them. And I'm going what the fuck are you talking about? I mean, I'm down for the self-help stuff. I'm down for, ok, I can be clear, I can, you know, I can get rid of those, the negative emotions, but what the fuck is this?
- Paul Haggis
One and a half thumbs up - it was really revealing with the Ron L. Hubbard's abuse and bullshit, and it almost feels like they have entered a more sinister era with Miscaviage.