Friday, 15 May 2020

Mission Impossible: Fallout

Me: "Ooh okay. Download the phone. Oh that is clever. I was wondering how they would get the passcode again"
Reb: "Yeah... they are a bit more tech savvy than you"
EVERYONE IS MORE TECH SAVVY THAN ME. However I am more wily than them because if I had to transport a high value prisoner, I wouldn't use a super obvious armoured truck and police convoy. Seriously just pop them in the boot of a silver Corolla and be on your way.
One and a half thumbs up - "sexy fast paced action" except less on the sexy and more on the fast paced. AND I am totally blown by the stunts that they actually did: the skydive!, jumping between buildings!, rappelling down the Palais!, climbing the rope!, the cliff!. WOW!