Here are some choice things my dad said during the movie. See if you can spot the theme:
D: Is that girl Canadian?
K: No, she is American
D: Oh... so she is pretending to be speaking English?
D: Hey Katrina... so Bridget Jones' Diary... is it set in England?
K: Yes
D: So it is an all British movie? The British accents?
Speaking Vietnamese to mum:
D: Katrina nói là người Mỹ. Cô học nói bằng giọng người Anh. Hmm nếu cô nói giọng Mỹ thì không hợp
Translation: Katrina said she is American. And she learnt how to speak in an English accent. Hmm if she spoke in an American accent it wouldn't match (the film)
D: She is so clever! She is American but sounds British!
Two thumbs up! But what does dad think? "If you weren't here I would turn it to NCIS"